lunes, 9 de mayo de 2011



6 comentarios:

  1. Debe ser la brujería de JP2...

  2. Mejor, que la redacción se concentre en el nuevo descubrimiento obvio para cualquier lector formado:

    ¡Amenaza de cisma críptico en los fieles seguidores de Juan Pablo II!

    Comentario de Eleuterio:
    Me parece a mí que la tal limitación de rendir culto al beato Juan Pablo II está destinada al fracaso. !No faltaría más¡

    Aquí se puede decir aquello de "Se acata pero no se cumple" (con perdón, claro)

    ¿Vamos a ponerle límites al cielo?

    "Se acata pero no se cumple..."

    Supongo que debe regir la Lex Suprema Imbuti Ecclessiae

  3. Ecclesiae con una sola s, con perdón. Lo otro no tiene nada que perdonar porque no es pecado desobedecer el derecho de la Iglesia si es para honrar a un beato tan querido como Juan Pablo II.

  4. En relación ciertas actitudes respecto a la beatificiación de Juan Pablo II:

    "In considering the beatification of John Paul II we must never lose sight of what the Church teaches about beatifications: that they are permissions, not commands, to venerate, and thus are not infallible acts of the Magisterium. As the Catholic Encyclopedia explains, canonization involves “a precept, and is universal in the sense that it binds the whole Church,” whereas beatification only “permits such worship...”

    For this reason, the Church actually forbids feast day Masses honoring a beatus outside the localities where he or she lived or worked. Hence “[e]ven after the beatifications of Pope John XXIII and Mother Teresa of Kolkata, the Vatican insisted on maintaining the restrictive rule even though bishops around the world requested permission to have feast day Masses in their dioceses.” [Cathy Wooden, Catholic News Service, April 20, 2011] Even as to John Paul II, therefore, no feast day Mass may be offered in his name outside of Rome and the Diocese of Krakow without permission from Rome.

    But, as predicted in the Statement of Reservations concerning this beatification (signed by more than 5,000 faithful Catholics from all over the world), the public perception in this age of the mass media will be, nonetheless, that John Paul II is a great saint the whole Catholic world must venerate without need of any canonization. There will be an extension of the Great Façade to create the appearance of sainthood where the Church has never declared it, just as there was the appearance of a prohibition of the traditional Mass where none had ever existed.

    And, it seems, the Vatican apparatus will assist in the creation of that false impression by doing what it has done since the Council: make what is optional or even forbidden de facto mandatory through widespread permission. Cardinal Vallini, the Vicar General of Rome, has already told the press that “the Vatican recognizes that Pope John Paul is a ‘universal figure’ and, therefore, public Masses are likely to be approved for more dioceses than just Rome and Krakow, where he served as archbishop.” The first step in de facto (but not actual) sainthood has already been taken: the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints has authorized the offering of one Mass in thanksgiving for the beatification in churches throughout the world, within one year of the beatification, given “the exceptional character of the beatification of the Venerable John Paul II, recognized by the entire Catholic Church...”

    One might object that the Vatican strictly refused permission for Masses outside of the usual places for Bl. John XXIII and Bl. Mother Teresa (before her canonization) even though they too were “universal figures... recognized by the entire Catholic Church.” But then one would be asking for a consistent adherence to prudent Church law that, as we have seen, has already been abandoned on the “fast track” to beatification in a case whose file was labeled Santo Subito."

    Christopher A. Ferrara: "The Beatification of John Paul II: Another Extension of the Great Façade?"
